suttrum vizhi and sanjay
finally suttrum vizhi is over and my part for the music video is done..haha.anyway we firstly, went to mustafa centre to buy tripod which was super amusing as louisa carried the showcase of f to the counter to pay for it.anyways, after that we headed for the esplanade where we shot the song more information about the song will not be written here as it is highly classfied information.but i can tell you this all the bloody ang mohs were taking videos and pictures of us doing the dance.i felt i could have done better if only i looked up and mouthed the words but hamidah was great hopefully the video editing will be good making the video great.dunno how come im so camera shy guess i still have the old me somewhere deep inside. after 4 hors of filming for a 1 minute video we returned home.i had so many blisters on my foot i was like omg.was so tired i just lay down one leg over the other staring at the stars [well actually its the ceiling but yea you get the idea] lateri headed for my uncle's place for the naming of my nephew little sanjay.that bugger is so small and fragile i was actually quite fearful that i would like squezze himm too much or something.i remember being so pooped that i fell asleep while sitting down on the chair only to be woken up by pavitra at a later time. we then talked basically about everything that happened and did abit of big brother little sister bonding time i guess thats about it for now this is the night wolf signing out.

me and ragu

last minute pulling of hair to make it longer

boy do i look like a kid

i swear i dont know whats happening

i still dont know whats happening

scary kid

premila and farhana

me with too much of makeup on
Seing that you are interested in video editing, I am taking on me to suggest you a web site you have to try. It is called You can do your own video by switching between 4 cameras of a live show. It is a lot of fun.It is free.
You will find a song by Jonas and next week, Roger Hodgson from Supertramp will be there with "Give a little bit". Try it, you will like it.
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