k i know its super late talking about something happened on friday but i have been freaking busy all week so here is the 4-1-1 that happened on friday. we had two new additions for the dance logan and thinesh.they are quite good people and fast learners so long as they dont get nervous.we busted a few new moves for the song i swear i felt like a clutz .i dont think i did that well during the practice.but , i guess it was more useful then the other practices we had.anyway after that we all dined at broadway where we had talks on morality and wheather its was actually wrong.and as usual i turned out to be the most righteous moral idiot.haiz...im getting sick of it maybe i should take up a few vices..haha well thats all for today. oh yea i almost forgot on saturday with my powerful skill of persuasion i managed to coax my dad into buying me a handphone boy am i good. oh yah another thing even though i dont think she even knows that this blog exsist happy 17th birthday nandini.haha..well thats really all this is the nightwolf signing out way

dont tell me what ragu is thinking i dont want to know

doing the dappankuthu
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