Thursday, December 28, 2006

wrote something just for fu hope u all enjoy
Memories of youHaunt me every day
A never healing wound
And nothing left to say
I die a little every day,
I die a little anyway
For the memories,
for Hell inside of me
No true emotions
No true regrets
No true devotion can live off bitterness
My hollow inside
My hollow heart
My restless soul is longing to depart
Come surround me with your grace
Wash away my deep disgrace
Take me in to your sweet embrace
Where I can live in sin
I die a little anyway,
I die a little every day
For the memories,
for Hell inside of me
No true emotions in my hollow heart

and due to the amazing powers of influence boredom had on me i decided to do a survey i found on ragus blog
What Time is it now? 10.00pm
What is your full name?karthikeyan s/o A sadhananthan
Single or taken? single
What does your name mean? it was the name of a warlord.reddemer of the celestial being [devas] from a demon
Who picked your name? aunt
What's your nickname? i got lots
shadow,[chalits class]
secret weapon [srjc war games]
kaya [platoon mates]
lord nayekihtrak[sec 3 sec 4 nickname]
steeldragonboy[sec1 sec2]
karthi[practically all chinese people who come into my life]
boy[selected cousins]
the beast[4E1]
deathknight[secondary school guys again cause i was sparring akido using a metal bar]
How old are you? 17
What color are your eyes? either dark brown or dark green im not sure im colour blind rmb
you have an innie or an outie? innie arnd new friends a major outie arnd old friends
What size are your shoes? 13 or 14 im bigfoot
How tall (or short)? 178
Honestly what do you like about yourself?the ability to get up after i had been driven into the ground.
What do you always get complimented on? foresight, the ability to judge people for what they are after being around them for a while, my judgement, my ability to crap and confuse my teachers just for fun. in fact my ability to crap
Phone Number? i dont think i have to put this up
haircolor? Black
Do you wear contacts? no
Living Arrangements? Parents and an elder brother younger brother and granny
Favorite Drinks? milo milkshake,milkshake, milo dinosaur, chocolate milk
Favorite alcoholic Drink? I don't and won't consume alcohols
Favorite month? november
Favorite fruit? papaya
Favourite Board Game? monopoly
Favorite Web Site?you tube
Favorite animal? the dragon
Do you have more girl or boy friends? i have no idea too many to count
Who's your bestfriend(s)?
Are your parents together? Yes
How often do you get together with the family? everyone is just at home
Anything special about your parents? my dad is a childish nut who is strict and firm abit contradicting ah
You're a flirt? no most of the time shy guy u noe
You're slutty? No!!
You're anorexic? No
You can keep secrets? Yea
You dance in front of the mirror? when im hanging wif my guy friends
Do you sing in the shower? once in a while
Do You Like Your Cousins? duh is that a trick question or something
You've been in a bathroom?no i have been in wad they call a toilet
You've seriously hurt someone? nope dont think so
You've been hurt seriously? yea but if it was that serious i wouldnt have got up right what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger
You curse? in secondary school one word every three sentences but now more refined
You get your way? when im in a highly manipulative mood but lately i have been giving in alot
You're willing to try new things? yea
You've cheated on a test? would finding out that someone copied your paper be considered cheating?
You've smoked? depends on what type of smoke ciggerate smoke no
What color are your pants? blue
What are you listening to?they will return by kalmah
How are you feeling? screwed, bored, fucked up, sad and uncertain but in someway enlightened
What are you doing? drawing,listening to music,playing rakion and a bunch of other stuff
What are you eating? nothing
How many people are online? 66
How's the weather? It's stop raining
What books are you reading? none
What was the last movie you saw?english movie
What did u eat for dinner? rice and other indian side dishes
What are you hoping for? world peace ...yea right... i guess is for me to fit into something somewhere and not be treated like an outsider most of the time
Have you ever fallen asleep in school? yea got screwed by rajagopal for that one
What movie do you really want to see? Eragon and death note 2
What is your locker combo? nope
Where is your favorite place to travel? utophia
What did you last dream about? a demon lifting me up and ripping my heart out and swallowing it
What was the last thing you ate? didnt we already do this one
If you were a crayon what color would you be?blue or red
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? hamidah
Do you hate anyone? dislike alot but do not hate i have an over forgiving nature
Ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope
Are you too shy to ask someone out? maybe maybe not
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movie
Summer or winter? Winter
Relationships or one night stands? relationships
Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
What did you do last night? do you seriously wanna know


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