Sunday, October 29, 2006
k this is the night wolf back . today i didnt actually do much just lazed around at home and watched tv so people if you guys wanna go on outing plan first then call me cause i am sian of organisng everything. k i watched miss vansantham and the quenn crowned was not as mind blowing as i expected but okay lah she looked quite pretty. oh by the way my cousin is a semi finalist for miss singapore india im like so proud lah cause she loos super traditional even though she is not. k thats about it this is the nightwolf signing out and i think i better stop insulting mei fung poor kid got alot of insults from me
somebody ask me out for an outing please
haha boy am i bored the only thing i did at home today was laze around and play computer games and i hate being stuck at home so yah got anywhere to go out call me please i love outing with friends and am too lazy to organise anything. k so anyway i watched Miss vasantham which is this pagent for indian girls and the finals were today. the person who got crowned and miss vasantham yes she did look pretty and all but was not as mind blowing as i thought same goes for a few other finalist. oh yea by the way one of my cousins are the semi finalist for this miss singapore india pageant damm proud lah and she looks very traditional and all even though she is not. k thats about it this is the night wolf signing out and i think i should make an aim of trying to or totally stop insulting mei fung poor kidi think got too much from me this
Saturday, October 28, 2006
back to the basics
k since yesterday was so frustrating i decided to do some meditation today and fix all my thought on lord shiva for non hindus he is one of the three main gods of the hindu culture he is known mor commonly as the destroyer even though that not his job.A person is said to contain a this three gods in him. most of the gods in the hindu culutre r crafted so tat we can fix our minds on an image and work towards the values which the image holds so yah lord shiva is my favourite god so i decided to just concentrate on him and do meditation. on the whole everything went well and when i finsihed it was like being reborn. happy once more and filled with this light that is able to banish any darness that comes to cover and torment me. i was so calm and cool that i could actually teach my younger brother maths something i lose patience very fast and i hazve alot of it so thats saying something. oh by the way im hooked onto this album called vallavan which is like this tamil rap album i didnt see this type of indian genre since lock up and that is freaking old. so thats about it now to go and play rakion this is the night wolf signing out
Friday, October 27, 2006
treasure your freaking life you idiot
wah seriously a phone call early in the mornin from your friends mom asking you to come over immediately to talk to her daughter who tried to kill herself by trying to slash her wrists. i am not telling the girl's name so as to save her from people asking her stupid questions but i hope the girl understands me and will not try to do it again. listen you have everything family who loves you friends who treasure you and the night wolf who cares for you and that is bloody rare dont try that stunt again cause if the next time you do so i will go down with you to hell and ensure you have a freaking bad life there heck i wouldnt even go for your what you just failed this time think about all the time you succeded in life but i didnt like the time when the both of us tried for council who got in you did not me and you didnt see me slashing my wrist.
k for those who dont understand a single shit about whats happening here i will give you the 4-1-1 her mom called asking me to come over immediately to talk to her daughter who tried to kill herself by trying to slash her wrists.k after i heard that i just couldnt think i literally ran to her house. when i went i think i was the first one there and when i saw her i guess i boiled up and i remember punching the wall to vent my anger. then i shoued the shit at her until her mom came into her room and told me to reduce my volume cause the neighbours were poking her head out of their doors wonderin what the hell was happening. then later i kinda pitied her so i sat down and hugged her and kinda wiped her tears off and started talking and consoling her. then later when i was sure i did my best it was about lunch time and i went to get food for her and litterally forced food down her throat cause she kept on saying that she didnt want. then later i waited until she fell asleep then left for her home.
k for those who dont understand a single shit about whats happening here i will give you the 4-1-1 her mom called asking me to come over immediately to talk to her daughter who tried to kill herself by trying to slash her wrists.k after i heard that i just couldnt think i literally ran to her house. when i went i think i was the first one there and when i saw her i guess i boiled up and i remember punching the wall to vent my anger. then i shoued the shit at her until her mom came into her room and told me to reduce my volume cause the neighbours were poking her head out of their doors wonderin what the hell was happening. then later i kinda pitied her so i sat down and hugged her and kinda wiped her tears off and started talking and consoling her. then later when i was sure i did my best it was about lunch time and i went to get food for her and litterally forced food down her throat cause she kept on saying that she didnt want. then later i waited until she fell asleep then left for her home.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
hey guys am back. k i have not been blogging much but thats because im addicted to this new form of drug.its called is like one of the best online games after counterstrike of course.basically in a nutshell you run around as a warrior, archer, blacksmith, ninja or as a bloody irritating mage. the rules of the game you run around and kill everyone damm simple. yet it requires lots of skill and the anticipation of the moves your enemy is gonna use on you. then after a certain number of kills you are able to enter chaos mode which is one bad ass butt kicking machine kinda reminds me of when i go so anyway today is the end of school yay so anyway i have decided since next year is A level year its time to let everything out and allow steeldragonboy to resurface again. its time to paaaarty all day and all night
Sunday, October 22, 2006
the festival of lights my way
k guys this is the night wolf back. sorry about not being able to blog for like 4 days was too busy preparing for deepavali. so anyway happy deepavali all
k i think i will tell roughly wad happened today and why some of this stuff has to happen every year so non hindus can get the 4-1-1. so anyway the whole day started with a prayer to my dead grand dads and other ancestors. we basically do it to like give thanks for watching over us.we also offer food to them and its like saying hey ure always in our hearts and we will not forget you.the traditional traditional way is we offer the food offerings to crows cause they are seen as our ancestors reincarnated as a crow.but however since in singapore we cannot feed crows we hindus have to switch to the modified traditional way. bascically it means we eat trhe offered food.this works on the principle that we have our ancestors blood in our veins so if we feed ourselves it is somewhat like feding our ancestors.
k so after that we donned on all our new clothes and tried to look good i ended up looking like an anjadi {indian term for gangster} so i decided to change my out fit to a very formal one.k so after that we travelled to all our relatives places for visiting and i got lots of hang paos the haul just for today was 500 bucks man i cant wait for tmr the giving of hang paos however was not an original hindu custom but it became intgrated into our culture ever since we started cohabiting in the same country with them. oh well it is to my benefit anyway. k then laterwe had huge family lunch and dinner boy was it good.first time i realised i could eat lunch three timesnot because i was greedy or anything but it was because people kept forcing me to eat i swear i think i gained all the weight i lost back. my granny especially was stuffing me by constantly feeding me ..haha
all in all i think deepavali is a time when the whole family meets up to catch up eat together and be merry thats what deepavali means to me to get rid of all our pain using the bright light of love k so thats all for today good nites people this is the night wolf signing out once again happy deepavali to everyone
k i think i will tell roughly wad happened today and why some of this stuff has to happen every year so non hindus can get the 4-1-1. so anyway the whole day started with a prayer to my dead grand dads and other ancestors. we basically do it to like give thanks for watching over us.we also offer food to them and its like saying hey ure always in our hearts and we will not forget you.the traditional traditional way is we offer the food offerings to crows cause they are seen as our ancestors reincarnated as a crow.but however since in singapore we cannot feed crows we hindus have to switch to the modified traditional way. bascically it means we eat trhe offered food.this works on the principle that we have our ancestors blood in our veins so if we feed ourselves it is somewhat like feding our ancestors.
k so after that we donned on all our new clothes and tried to look good i ended up looking like an anjadi {indian term for gangster} so i decided to change my out fit to a very formal one.k so after that we travelled to all our relatives places for visiting and i got lots of hang paos the haul just for today was 500 bucks man i cant wait for tmr the giving of hang paos however was not an original hindu custom but it became intgrated into our culture ever since we started cohabiting in the same country with them. oh well it is to my benefit anyway. k then laterwe had huge family lunch and dinner boy was it good.first time i realised i could eat lunch three timesnot because i was greedy or anything but it was because people kept forcing me to eat i swear i think i gained all the weight i lost back. my granny especially was stuffing me by constantly feeding me ..haha
all in all i think deepavali is a time when the whole family meets up to catch up eat together and be merry thats what deepavali means to me to get rid of all our pain using the bright light of love k so thats all for today good nites people this is the night wolf signing out once again happy deepavali to everyone
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
memories, personality test and the art of coping of stress
today nothing much happened.the day was rather dull it starts of the same the bell rings and everyone drags themelves to the parade square.later our prinicipal will have her usual giving of views on how we can improve ourselves.yea i found them quite useful. so anyway after that we had a pe survey which i found totally lame cause they asked all the stupid questions in the world. its a good thing my tamil teacher hasnt asked me for my homework cause its a month overdue....hahaha.. i get away with alot of stuff in tamil class.later we had moral education which told me i had an A2 level personality.there are about 5 levels of personality namely A1, A1, AB,B1 B2 and i realised that my pw group had all the different personalities that why i think its very hard for us to come under one roof to work oh wells pw is gonna finish soon anyway. so anyway A2 people are said to be driven abit aggressive at times hurried and are super ambitious.i guess that applies well for me then later my teacher dropped the bomb and told that A class people will suffer from heart disease.oh wells at least i know what is gonna kill wonder if love is onsidered as a heart disease cause if it is then im incurably ill.k then the next test was how u cope stress and i found that i did it in 2 ways which was the take action and the blame myself. i guess that fits me well cause i seldom seek help from friends or have any wishful thinking. so then later we had post mortem of the econs paper had no wish to pay attention so i ended up chatting with chalit about the various crushes he had since our SRJC days and who is his latest crush. boy was it fun i swear i never had that much fun since...since... since a very long time.oh wells i guess thats the end for today this is the night wolf signing out
Monday, October 16, 2006
what is defined as normal
so i was wondering what technically is defined as a norm and since when issit always the right way of living ones life i mean come on just because 90% of the society does it doesnt technially mean that it is the right way for example alot of people nowadays find loopholes in laws and escape from paying income tax but is that the right way no right. it should be the same thing for ones behaviour and mentality. what if in gods eyes the sane people were actually insane while the insane people were living according to his rules.
k so anyway in school as usual i was poking fun at mei fung seriously shes a very blurr gal and it just makes my day to see her stumped with no comebacks to just playing with the way she said she wanted to become a teacher my god i wish i had a teacher like her then i can liue my way out of anything hands down i wouldnt have to think at all. oh she also tole me to start calling her Ms was totally borin the only exciting part was the playing of uno stacko which was crazy as it was calf level at the beginin already and the whole structure would collapse after a few turns.then later i got back my econs mark and guess what i tied with keerthani who is like one of the best in my class but overall i lost to her and worse i got 49 % and when i calsulated i found out i got 2 out of 5 for class participation im like wtf i was there for all her classes and most of the time i will be the one participating in class for better or for worse i deserve that one mark because of that i got my first failing grade screw it i hate life it is never fair.
k so anyways to tame the high amounts of dark energy building inside of me i decide to watch fast and furious tokyo drift and i tell u i love the movie. everyone should watch it.i love the cars there they have quite a wide range of varieties vipers, 86 corolla (that is the name of the btw), 72 skyline and an evo x8 and all of those cars had parts like turbo and 4 piston engines put in them.the whole story is a about drift racing which to me is the hardest of all the races trust me on this. even though alot of the co stars are actually better looking that the main characters the movie is still the taught me one thing as han said "life is simple you make choices and dont look back.who you choose to be around you makes you know who you are."i guess that is quite true so anyway i think i will end with that quote for today
k so anyway in school as usual i was poking fun at mei fung seriously shes a very blurr gal and it just makes my day to see her stumped with no comebacks to just playing with the way she said she wanted to become a teacher my god i wish i had a teacher like her then i can liue my way out of anything hands down i wouldnt have to think at all. oh she also tole me to start calling her Ms was totally borin the only exciting part was the playing of uno stacko which was crazy as it was calf level at the beginin already and the whole structure would collapse after a few turns.then later i got back my econs mark and guess what i tied with keerthani who is like one of the best in my class but overall i lost to her and worse i got 49 % and when i calsulated i found out i got 2 out of 5 for class participation im like wtf i was there for all her classes and most of the time i will be the one participating in class for better or for worse i deserve that one mark because of that i got my first failing grade screw it i hate life it is never fair.
k so anyways to tame the high amounts of dark energy building inside of me i decide to watch fast and furious tokyo drift and i tell u i love the movie. everyone should watch it.i love the cars there they have quite a wide range of varieties vipers, 86 corolla (that is the name of the btw), 72 skyline and an evo x8 and all of those cars had parts like turbo and 4 piston engines put in them.the whole story is a about drift racing which to me is the hardest of all the races trust me on this. even though alot of the co stars are actually better looking that the main characters the movie is still the taught me one thing as han said "life is simple you make choices and dont look back.who you choose to be around you makes you know who you are."i guess that is quite true so anyway i think i will end with that quote for today
Sunday, October 15, 2006
party all day long
do you sometimes wonder how is it that fate can be so cruel to you such that you have been planning for this event for so long but at the end of the day the whole thing crumbles when it is about to be put into action and you are asked to do something which you totally dont want to do at all. k let me explain myself nobody wants to do spring cleaning cause its super tiring and all so well today was spring cleaning day so i decided to ponn this event by going out with nisha but due to a communication breakdown with her i was stuck at home to do.but i guess everything turned out okay cause i was given a super simple job which was to clean the main study desk and my room. then later in the evening we had our yearly prayers to our ancestors.the whole thing was a very solem ceremony.and by the time the thing ended my whole house was full of smoke and i was tearing badly.. haha only after that did the partying start it was my nephew vishwa's bday as well as my uncle so we kinda had a double birthday party.there was music, laughter and downright chaos at my place.the kids came into my room and jumped and litterally destroyed my neat room right now it looks as though a tornado went through it.but thats okay lah i ha my cousins to help me clean up a bit here are the pics i managed to take today.this is considered as a great feat mind you cause kids were flying everywhere jumping on me im still surprised that my camera didnt break.haha as usual i will signout with a poem and a special thanks once again goes to my sis mel for setting up the tagboard seriously this gal is amazing. so here goes the poem the pictures will come later.
When I don’t even think of you
My heart demands only for you
My mind feels you are the one
In me I am sure there is none
We met so many times
Every time I see positive signs
A nice exchange in looks
That brings in me ton of shocks
Feeling is really beyond words
I feel you in all my nodes
You are a pole star
Near you I feel so far
I have no dare to propose
The feeling you have, will averse
I wait to see you on your way
When you walk in I run away
I feel in your presence a trouble
My heartbeat goes double
My feeling to you is more a pebble
what my cousin does to earn quick cash...haha...receive blessings from granny
When I don’t even think of you
My heart demands only for you
My mind feels you are the one
In me I am sure there is none
We met so many times
Every time I see positive signs
A nice exchange in looks
That brings in me ton of shocks
Feeling is really beyond words
I feel you in all my nodes
You are a pole star
Near you I feel so far
I have no dare to propose
The feeling you have, will averse
I wait to see you on your way
When you walk in I run away
I feel in your presence a trouble
My heartbeat goes double
My feeling to you is more a pebble
i love you, you love me you are one big snack for me
we hereby claim this party officially startedme nephew chomping barneys head off
the new addition to the family tree as you can see she is as cute as me
tired but happy cousins
what my cousin does to earn quick cash...haha...receive blessings from granny
SAJC open house 2006

keerthani and kanchana trying to act traditional

me and zach at the back 2 new additions infront are saraswathi and farhana

Saturday, October 14, 2006
open house 2006
My mom calls me mad, My friends call me stupid and my teacher calls me crazy but i call myself a principlehero. so what if I suffered from fever and diahorrea so much that I couldnt go to school and break my perfect track record of being present in school but immediately got up after a few hours of rest and head straight to school for CCA. I do not think there is nothing wrong with beliving that you can get up from anything and continue living your life normally unless death consumes you. so people here is a lesson about me nothing stops me from doing what i want to do and the only time im weak and unable to do anything is when i am dead.
anyway that aside today was sajc's open house.i really didnt feel like getting out of bed kept falling back due to exhaustion but somehow i managed and i went to school. on my way i met kevin the guy couldnt recognise me at all it took him like 30 seconds in order to remember my name..haha.. the we did our formal secret handshake done by only my batch of NCC land people and we said goodbye to each other cause the both of us were rushing off to our different schools.once i eached school it was like 7.20 am and i was feeling damm shitty about coming late cause the meeting was supposed to be at 7am but i turned out that i was the first there imagine that.k so anyway the meeting started proper at around 8 we did a few changes to our booth will show you the pictures later.the open house started at 9 and would you belive it we were there like until 3pm.the only thing i did was pour oil into the lamp and play with fire. all the while the others were asking me to go and talk to the indian guys and i was like u idiots i already not talking easily with you and you want me to go and talk with some scared git i dont know. other than that the only thing proper we did was give the murruku to the people who came gd thing the tins finished cause i dont think i would have fancied more murruku to eat.yea so after thatwe packed the booth abit and i went to watch the guitar performance, choir performance and dance performance. k i really must admit i have been abit bad to mei fung on her playing of the guitar cause today she played very well. the choir performance was still the same led by ji hyun's commading presence but equally enjoyable. finally the dance performance which was crazy as the songs beat was super fast. no wonder alot of the dancers manage stay fit even though they eat more than guys...hahhaa..raghu told me that keisha was very good and i have to admit the gal has skill and she danced with a lot of confidence and always looked comfortable with what she did anyway bottom line is i think the performances were great.k so anyway here are the pics for our booth and a bunch of stuff that happened. i will post in the next entry intil then this is a quote from me and before i end i would like to thank melanie yong for doing my layout its great thanks sis and this quote goes just for your hard work
fate is the axle of the wheel of nature
the circle of life
under its control all are subjected to birth death and rebirth
One can only match move by move and
thus defy the mechanations of fate but is there true free will
open house 2006
My mom calls me mad, My friends call me stupid and my teacher calls me crazy but i call myself a principlehero. so what if I suffered from fever and diahorrea so much that I couldnt go to school and break my perfect track record of being present in school but immediately got up after a few hours of rest and head straight to school for CCA. I do not think there is nothing wrong with beliving that you can get up from anything and continue living your life normally unless death consumes you. so people here is a lesson about me nothing stops me from doing what i want to do and the only time im weak and unable to do anything is when i am dead.
anyway that aside today was sajc's open house.i really didnt feel like getting out of bed kept falling back due to exhaustion but somehow i managed and i went to school. on my way i met kevin the guy couldnt recognise me at all it took him like 30 seconds in order to remember my name..haha.. the we did our formal secret handshake done by only my batch of NCC land people and we said goodbye to each other cause the both of us were rushing off to our different schools.once i eached school it was like 7.20 am and i was feeling damm shitty about coming late cause the meeting was supposed to be at 7am but i turned out that i was the first there imagine that.k so anyway the meeting started proper at around 8 we did a few changes to our booth will show you the pictures later.the open house started at 9 and would you belive it we were there like until 3pm.the only thing i did was pour oil into the lamp and play with fire. all the while the others were asking me to go and talk to the indian guys and i was like u idiots i already not talking easily with you and you want me to go and talk with some scared git i dont know. other than that the only thing proper we did was give the murruku to the people who came gd thing the tins finished cause i dont think i would have fancied more murruku to eat.yea so after thatwe packed the booth abit and i went to watch the guitar performance, choir performance and dance performance. k i really must admit i have been abit bad to mei fung on her playing of the guitar cause today she played very well. the choir performance was still the same led by ji hyun's commading presence but equally enjoyable. finally the dance performance which was crazy as the songs beat was super fast. no wonder alot of the dancers manage stay fit even though they eat more than guys...hahhaa..raghu told me that keisha was very good and i have to admit the gal has skill and she danced with a lot of confidence and always looked comfortable with what she did anyway bottom line is i think the performances were great.k so anyway here are the pics for our booth and a bunch of stuff that happened. i will post in the next entry intil then this is a quote from me and before i end i would like to thank melanie yong for doing my layout its great thanks sis and this quote goes just for your hard work
fate is the axle of the wheel of nature
the circle of life
under its control all are subjected to birth death and rebirth
One can only match move by move and
thus defy the mechanations of fate but is there true free will
Friday, October 13, 2006
My new life
alright guys im back to writing on my blog after say 1 or two years....haha...time surely flies doesnt it so anway right now im in st andrew's junior college which is an okay school but not what i would call my second home like saint gabriels secondary or even serangoon junior college which i had only been to for like 3 anyway a brief summary of the people im with in SAJC. firstly comes the band of sajc misfits who compromised of me,chris and chalit..yea we live together we die together that was our motto but now unfortunately there was a huge seperation and we decreased by one. k so now its my class has a strength of 25 people 20 girls and 5 guys and divided into a series of cliques.the first major clique which i think chris calls it the 'ombothus' is made up of christopher, tiffany, simeon, jowy, nurul, ain, farhana, premila, keerthani, ni zhen, darshini. the second clique is made up of this buch of gals who are in sports ccas dunno name yet so i will just tell wad they consist of.k for that clique we have richalynn, raine, jing yu, xue fen,grace. then we have three inseperable pairs.first is the pair of mei fung and ji hyun who were from st margarets.they are often joined by kelvin the other guy in class.then we have sarah and cheryl and lastly we have christina and hui qin.the last two pairs are really like sisters they have been together since like secondary sch or issit primary?? yea the point is they are insepreable.then we have pei wen who is like a clique jumper she keeps on changing cliques so much it is impossible to classfy her under anything. and there is me the loner.haha...yeap never could bond well with anyone so i guess i just have to be happy with the fact that people actually acknowledge my presence.then we have ics cca which i was forcibly made to join but i giess its okay actually more closer to the weekly members thouigh not to the extent of being a clique wif the weekly members.k so they are jacintha, louisa, ragu, keerthani, farahana, premila, kanchana and sarawathi.we have been did much stuff in the past like rangoli and making murruku and i got to noe more off them and i guess they actually proved to me that the saying dont judge a book by its cover was actually true. well thats about it i guess this is the night wolf singing out with a poem though it isnt that good i found that it suited me alot so yah here it goes
In the eyes of the Watcher the gleam of flames
Reflecting pictures of the years gone by
Time makes no difference the sleep won´t come
& tomorrows daylight is hiding around
This lonely mind, eyes still awake
Taking a swig now & then
Poking the fire with the rod
Seeking the truth behind the blaze
Where lost all the glory days?
Vanity just remains in my own wishing well
i Had learned to fear the fire of life
Had burned my hands so many times
In the shelter of smoke i feel at home
Gives me protection from the outside world
The lesson of life we all have to die
Ashes only stays under our names
If believed Kingdom come before all is gone
Is the chance to reborn who´ll need the fire?
Mindrust watching the embers
Time passes my eyes in flowGrand failure, betrayal, denial
The pain to swallow
Tarred waiting to burn
The glow stays until it fades
Dying weeping and slow
Before the rain comes falling
So the fire does not forever burn
thus before the rain i have to learn
In the eyes of the Watcher the gleam of flames
Reflecting pictures of the years gone by
Time makes no difference the sleep won´t come
& tomorrows daylight is hiding around
This lonely mind, eyes still awake
Taking a swig now & then
Poking the fire with the rod
Seeking the truth behind the blaze
Where lost all the glory days?
Vanity just remains in my own wishing well
i Had learned to fear the fire of life
Had burned my hands so many times
In the shelter of smoke i feel at home
Gives me protection from the outside world
The lesson of life we all have to die
Ashes only stays under our names
If believed Kingdom come before all is gone
Is the chance to reborn who´ll need the fire?
Mindrust watching the embers
Time passes my eyes in flowGrand failure, betrayal, denial
The pain to swallow
Tarred waiting to burn
The glow stays until it fades
Dying weeping and slow
Before the rain comes falling
So the fire does not forever burn
thus before the rain i have to learn