tamil results and my right hand
alright its been quite a while since i blogged and i guess now its quite a good time to start the ball rolling again. the year thus far has been quite eventful what with TMT and all its politics.well now its over and those lifeless vermins who are still dwelling in finding ways to put down ics can go get lost i have got more important things to worry about like my A levels.got back my tamil result and it was a D got quite disappointed and was thinking wheather anot to retake and was talking to keerthani about this then after a small chat with nurul.i realised that my priority shouldnt be with me going to going to retake the paper cause of my friends but it should be cause i think i can acheive better results if i retake and i wont regret making that decision as i would have known i gave it my all.
so anyway after my economics lecture went out with nurul for a while just to eat cause i was feeling very confused about the whole retaking issue but no worries all the problems are solved and i will repeat the mother tongue paper for better or for worse.then we had a very scrumptous and unhealthy lunch at macdonalds and it was raining so heavily idiot didnt want to use my umbrella and insulted me sissy cause i had an umbrella umph!!!. then we took the bus and on the way we were just watching the lightning strike here and there it was super amusing watchin nurul cover her ears everytime lightning striked haha. then im not sure how it started but we started cam whoring in the bus haha there was this guy infront of us who kept on turning behind wondering what the hell were we up to. we were actually making that much of noise haha.later we had a little talk about the stuff that was going on in our lives especially mine.haha gal i seriously dont know what i would do without you.you are literally like my right hand ever since i stepped foot in SA lah always there when i needed you.from the old oreinteering group days to pw days and now in this very final lap.
someone is digging for gold